Purpose and Responsibilities of the School Site Advisory Committee (SSAC)
School Site Advisory Councils are forums for shared decision-making. Their primary role is to participate in the instructional planning process to ensure that the needs of all students are specifically addressed in the LCAP and to participate in the decisions regarding the allocation of resources.
The School Site Advisory Council also provides a unique opportunity to improve communication between staff and parents, to discuss relevant issues with representatives from the whole school community, to gain valuable feedback and input and to distribute leadership to a wider group within the school community.
Key Responsibilities of the SSAC
- Hold annual elections
- Review, revise, and approve SSAC bylaws after annual elections.
- Ensure that meetings are open to the public
- Develop and monitor LCAP goals
- Determine use of unrestricted state LCFF (Local Control Funding Formula), Supplemental, and Concentration funds
- Advise on Title 1 Federal Funds
- Review and advise on supports English Language Learners, Students with Disabilities, and other students with needs
- Review, revise and approve the School Safety Plan
- Recommend changes to staffing in categorical budgets based on student needs
- Conduct Data Stepback/Annual Needs Assessment
- Meet on a regular basis to become informed, share information, discuss needs and successes, and plan program improvements.
Outside the Scope of the SSAC
- Acting as a political organization
- Acting as a personnel committee
- Acting as a grievance committee
- Acting as a fundraising institution
- Acting like a social group